
How to Become a Travel Blogger with No Experience in Nigeria

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Nigeria is a vast and diverse country with a rich culture and history. It is also home to some of the most stunning natural scenery in the world, from the beaches of Lagos to the rainforests of the Niger Delta.

If you are passionate about travel and writing, then becoming a travel blogger could be the perfect career for you.

As a travel blogger, you will get to explore new places, meet new people, and share your experiences with the world.

The best part is that you don’t need any experience to get started as a travel blogger. All you need is a passion for travel and a willingness to learn.

In this article, I will share everything you need to know about how to become a travel blogger in Nigeria, even if you have no experience.

What is a Travel Blogger?

A travel blogger is someone who writes about their travel experiences on a blog. Travel bloggers typically share their stories, photos, and videos with their readers to give them a taste of what it’s like to travel to different places.

Travel bloggers can write about any aspect of travel, from the best places to eat and stay to the best things to see and do. They can also focus on a specific niche, such as budget travel, luxury travel, or family travel.

Why Become a Travel Blogger?

There are many reasons why you might want to become a travel blogger. Here are a few:

To share your love of travel with the world

If you are passionate about travel, then becoming a travel blogger is a great way to share your love of travel with others. You can inspire others to travel and help them plan their own trips.

To make money

Travel blogging can be a very lucrative career. Successful travel bloggers can make money from a variety of sources, including advertising, affiliate marketing, and selling their own products and services.

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To have the freedom to work from anywhere

Travel bloggers can work from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. This means that you can travel full-time and still earn a living.

How to Become a Travel Blogger in Nigeria with No Experience

If you have no experience, but you are passionate about travel and writing, then here are some tips on how to become a travel blogger in Nigeria:

Choose a niche

What type of travel blogger do you want to be? Do you want to focus on budget travel, luxury travel, family travel, or something else? Once you know your niche, you can start to tailor your content to your target audience.

Create a blog

Once you have chosen a niche, you need to create a blog. There are many different blogging platforms available, such as WordPress and Blogger. Choose a platform that is easy to use and that has the features you need.

Write high-quality content

The most important thing for any blogger is to write high-quality content. Your blog posts should be well-written, informative, and engaging. Be sure to proofread your posts before publishing them.

Promote your blog

Once you have started writing blog posts, you need to promote your blog so that people can find it. There are many different ways to promote your blog, such as social media, email marketing, and guest blogging.

Be patient

It takes time to build a successful travel blog. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t start seeing results immediately. Just keep writing great content and promoting your blog, and eventually you will start to see traffic and engagement grow.

Focus on local travel

Nigeria has a lot to offer tourists, so there is no need to travel far to write interesting and informative blog posts. Start by writing about places in your own city or state. Once you have built a following, you can start to travel to other parts of Nigeria.

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Be authentic

People can tell when you’re being fake, so be yourself in your blog posts. Share your honest experiences and opinions, even if they’re not always positive.

Use high-quality photos and videos

Photos and videos are a great way to engage your readers and give them a taste of what it’s like to travel to different places. Be sure to take high-quality photos and videos of your travels.

Network with other travel bloggers

There is a large and active community of travel bloggers in Nigeria. Networking with other travel bloggers is a great way to learn new things, get

How to Make Money as a Travel Blogger in Nigeria

Once you have built a following, you can start to make money from your travel blog. Here are a few ways to do it:

Advertising: You can sell advertising space on your blog to businesses that want to reach your audience.

Affiliate marketing: You can promote products and services on your blog and earn a commission on sales that you generate.

Selling your own products and services: You can create and sell your own products and services, such as e-books, online courses, and photography prints.

Sponsored posts: You can write sponsored posts for businesses that want to promote their products or services to your audience.

Press trips: You can be invited by tourism boards and hotels to go on press trips, which are free trips in exchange for writing about your experiences.

Tips for Success as a Travel Blogger in Nigeria

Here are a few tips for success as a travel blogger in Nigeria:

Be consistent: The key to success in any business is to be consistent. Make sure to publish new blog posts on a regular basis, such as once a week or twice a week.

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Promote your blog: As mentioned above, you need to promote your blog so that people can find it. There are many different ways to promote your blog, such as social media, email marketing, and guest blogging.

Build relationships with other travel bloggers: Networking with other travel bloggers is a great way to learn new things, get exposure for your blog, and collaborate on projects.

Be patient: It takes time to build a successful travel blog. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t start seeing results immediately. Just keep writing great content and promoting your blog, and eventually you will start to see traffic and engagement grow.

Challenges of Travel Blogging in Nigeria

There are a few challenges that travel bloggers in Nigeria may face. Here are a few tips on how to overcome them:

Lack of infrastructure

Nigeria can be a challenging country to travel in due to its lack of infrastructure. This can make it difficult to get around and to find reliable internet access. To overcome this challenge, it is important to plan your trips carefully and to do your research in advance.


Nigeria can also be a dangerous country to travel in. It is important to be aware of the security risks and to take precautions to protect yourself. For example, it is best to avoid traveling alone at night and to stay in well-lit and populated areas.


Travel blogging can be an expensive hobby, especially if you want to travel internationally. To overcome this challenge, you may need to find ways to save money, such as traveling during the off-season or staying in budget-friendly accommodation.

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