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Visa Immigration To Germany: 3 Things You Should Know Before Coming To Work In Germany

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Visa Immigration To Germany

Check Out The 3 Things You Should Know Before Coming To Work In Germany

Do you want to migrate to Germany or Europe?

Are you an immigrant seeking to move to Germany for job?

Hi everyone, I’ve been wanting to write this article for a while, but I’m doing procastin because of the busy schedule and exam preparation.

How to Immigrate To Germany

I’m finally here, sharing both my good and bad experiences, plus everything you need to know before coming to Germany as a student or as an immigrant from Africa or as another country that doesn’t speak Deutsche because it’s not so easy. If you don’t know the German language well, here is to find a job in Germany. As you all know by now, I am from Africa, Namibia, so I will share my experiences and challenges with you as I continue this blog post.

That’s something you need to know, it’s not an easy job, because I’m lying to say it’s easy and it’s bla bla bla. So I’m a full-time digital marketer, working for a company here in Stuttgart and creating digital campaigns and marketing strategies for the brand during the day, and a part-time blogger at night. A bit about my past, I studied in Namibia, studied Political Science at the University of Namibia, then went on to study in marketing for my master’s degree in Germany 4 years ago.

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Immigration To Germany for Immigrants

The first challenge you may encounter is that most certificate or Bachelor’s degree programs are not fully recognised here in Germany. So you might be surprised that by coming to Germany, you can’t apply for a job with diplomas you get from most schools in Africa.

You will probably have to start over in the German education system, so either you need to get a new Bachelor’s degree or you need to advance your Master’s degree with your African degree, which is the best thing you can do with your degree in Africa.

So briefly I will go through all you need o know to work in Germany as an African.

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Like I said earlier, its almost impossible to get a job without a good command of German/Deutsche language, but there are exceptions to this, highly in demand jobs such as Programming, UI/UX, and a few other ICT and tech jobs can be overlooked if your skills are that great. Also if you are lucky enough to land yourself a job with an American company or English speaking based country company e.g Ford, Lime etc with a branch in Germany.


Even with the German language, it doesn’t make you the hottest candidate for the job cause guess what? There are Germans who are also applying for the same positions as you with better German speaking skills who also attended a more recognised bachelor program. So be aware of the fact that you will get a lot or rejections and NOs but all you have to do is keep sending out those applications and soon enough you will definitely get one.


When I say this, I mean it 100% and dont take it lightly, you have to be ready to work for your money, one thing you should know by now about Germany and Germans in general is the fact that they have very high work ethic. They pride themselves as one of the most hardworking people on the planet, I know you also must have heard the name “German Machines” before, thats why they call them that. You will be paid no doubt, but you will work for that money believe me.

Aside these, if you believe in God, then pray to him, cause I have heard very positively shocking stories of how some people came to Germany and managed to succeed without having to go through a lot of common frustrations and challenges, I have seen people get a good paying job with little efforts also that the company also had to pay for all the German courses subsequently after resuming the jobs but remember to work and pray.

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